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Configuring Routing Behavior

By default, when a station has two or more network interfaces, it automatically forwards (routes) packets between the two interfaces. If you do not want the station to serve as a router on its network, disable its route advertising.

  1. Modify the /etc/config/routed.options file so the router will not supply routing information about general network routes (-q) or local interface routes (-h). Enter:

    echo -qh > /etc/config/routed.options

  2. Using the /etc/init.d/network script, turn the network off momentarily, then start it again. Enter:

    /etc/init.d/network stop

    /etc/init.d/network start

  3. When the network comes up, verify that it is not forwarding packets with the netstat tool. Enter:

    netstat -s -p ip |grep forward

To change forwarding dynamics, create or edit the /etc/config/routed.options file to contain the desired options. Some of the behaviors that can be altered by means of the /etc/config/routed.options file are listed below:

See the routed(1M) online reference page for more details.

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